Counselor Corner
Mrs. Becky Karsten
Guidance Counselor
Valmeyer Community School District #3
618-935-2100 ext. 205
E-mail: bkarsten@valmeyerk12.org
Like my office on Facebook! VCUSD #3 School Counseling Office
Links and guidance information
- Scholarships & Announcements
- Transcript Request (Current Students)
- Alumni Transcript Request
- Letter of Recommendation Request
- College Visit Request
- SuicidePreventionLifeline
- Guidance Handbook 24-25
- Tell Someone
- Report Bullying (High School)
- Report Bullying (Junior High)
- Useful Links
- Join me on Facebook
- Follow me on Twitter
The Guidance Department offers the following services to students and parents:
Counseling for individuals
Conferences for parents
High School Planning
Career planning
College planning
Referrals for psychological counseling and social work
Upcoming College and Military Visits
All visits will occur in the library unless otherwise noted.
9/17 SWIC at 2:15
9/24 Webster University 2:15
9/26 Blackburn at 1pm
9/26 McKendree at 2:15
10/22 U of I Springfield at 2:15